Featured Project: Creating “The Day Dreamer” by Joanna Claire

Guest Post written by Joanna Claire

I have always been a storyteller. Before I started photography, novel writing was my first ‘life long dream.’ I’ve also always been a dreamer. With everything I do, every opportunity I’m given, I think “Where can I take this? How can make this become more?”

This is really where my little The Day Dreamer series came from. Most days it’s fun to dream up different scenarios like, “What if I got to meet this photographer?” or “What if I got to speak at this event?” Sometimes my day-dreaming becomes a little more obsessive, to the point I can long no find myself happy with my current reality. Sometimes there is a blissfully happy period where one of my goals has come to pass, and I just get to sit back and revel in knowing that if I can achieve one, maybe I can achieve the next.

The set up for this was a really simple one. I trekked out with one of best photography buddies, @immysphotoss, to this gorgeous, if slightly creepy looking, woods. I only ever use natural light, but the gap in the trees was so perfect and the light strong enough that it almost renders a similar effect to a spotlight. The clouds are made from toy stuffing I bought from the internet… which fell apart almost immediately. It took ages to clean up! Normally, I would use a timer and remote to take the shot, but as I was lucky enough to have Immy with me, she was there to click the shutter.

The majority of editing takes places in Photoshop, which makes IPC such an amazing tool in my workflow. I usually go into a shoot with colour toning in mind. For The Day Dreamer series, I knew I wanted a blue colour palette, as blue has a lot of associations with dreaming. Once I’d played around with colour balancing and a few other presets, I was at a loss. I had the blue tones, but they just felt a bit lackluster…I needed a palette that made my images ‘pop.’

Enter, Infinite Colour Panel…


Before Color Grading

After Infinite Color

My favourite thing about Infinite Colour Panel is the intensity settings. I tend to hit the create button on the medium setting most often, which I find gives me an amazing amount of colour, with only a few opacity tweaks needed to make it perfect. If I feel an image is ‘almost there,’ I may play with the ‘light’ colour adjustments. The fact that every layer is adjustable makes it the perfect colouring tool – no look is ever the same!


Follow Joanna on her Instagram and see more of her work on her website!


Have you tried the panel yet? We’d love to see your creations! Get in touch on Instagram @infinitecolorpanel or the Facebook Infinite Color Panel group and show us your work.

If you haven’t tried the panel yet, get started here: www.infinitecolorpanel.com

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